Curating the Curious

#68- The World Needs Your Creativity Now...More Than Ever

LeAnna Azzolini Season 2 Episode 68

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We are ALL creative and we are ALL artists. Now is the time for us to begin throwing the old stuff into the compost bin and creating something new. Transmute that darkness into light!!!

I wrote this piece called "You Are An Artist" a few years ago because I firmly believe that we were all born into this world as creative beings. Some of us experienced a life that slowly chipped away at our belief in that, and others have merely lost a bit of the shine...but it's still there underneath it all.

Imagine a life where your imagination blooms like vibrant sunflowers in a once empty field. This is an episode about embracing curiosity and creativity as something that has the ability to transform your matter where you are in your artistic journey. Whether you wield a paintbrush, pen, or simply the power of your mind, there's wide open space for you in this creative community. Now, more than ever, the world NEEDS your imagination and your (form of) art.

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LeAnna Azzolini:

Welcome to Curating the Curious, the podcast that celebrates staying curious in life and never settling into a box. This show is for the creators, the seekers, the explorers, the truth tellers and the forever students of life, no matter what age or stage you're currently at. This is not as good as it gets, and it is never too late to begin. Join me as we explore all of the questions that come with the idea of curiosity a place where the possibilities are endless and you can always start again. I took a few days this week to sit down and write something that's been on my mind and I just want to share it. I thought about it a lot. I was overthinking is this something that I should put on a podcast? And then I said you know what? Yeah, screw it. It's something that I want everyone to hear, especially those of you who might be questioning what you're doing, why you're doing it, whether you're truly an artist or maybe just dealing with a little self-doubt.

LeAnna Azzolini:

Who knows? This is for anyone out there who is looking to release something they've had bottled up and are ready to share with the world. It's called " that

LeAnna Azzolini:

You are an artist. We're all artists in some way. Each one of us creates, shapes, molds or even bakes things of some sort. We all dream, dance, plan, sketch, sing and imagine new ideas. We're not required to be good at these things. It's all about the process, the light that it brings to your heart. We come into the world with huge and elaborate imaginations that could fill up a room, but as time ticks by, life begins to chip away and the shine can sometimes dull a bit. There's a decision that comes for all of us. Do we walk away from these sparks that we're left with and pursue a life that is easily planned, well thought out and safe, something that society deems as good and normal and fits in the handbook of the well-traveled path, or do we allow ourselves to stray and ask that question? What if allow ourselves to stray and ask that question? What if? What if you take this leap and design your own roadmap? What if you follow your heart instead of the crowd? What if you allow yourself to be guided by your curiosity instead of your fears? If you feel a pull towards something, it's there for a reason. It means something. Take that chance. Engage in the dance, ride, that ebb and flow of creative inspiration. Become like an oak tree with roots firmly planted deep below the ground, fully realizing that the different seasons will strip us of our leaves, but also knowing that we will bloom and grow again. Never stop making things Never stop. If that's what fills you up, you can rest, but don't you quit.

LeAnna Azzolini:

This beautifully curious life of a creative can sometimes be a treacherous one. We often find ourselves caught in the swamps of our minds and find it difficult to break free. But it can all be so glorious too, constantly poking around for new veins of inspiration, always on the hunt for the most exciting and wondrous ideas to reap and harvest. There are often many mental challenges, but the payoff for sticking with it can be so sweet.

LeAnna Azzolini:

The definition of a creative is open to all interpretations. If you say you are one, then you are. There's no medal of honor that needs to be received before taking the title. Whether you create with a keyboard, pen, paintbrush, chisel, jackhammer, glass cutter, camera or anything else for that matter, you belong in this club. If you haven't yet reached that point where you feel comfortable calling yourself an artist, you still belong in this club. If you make anything for this world to see, taste, touch, hear, smell, wear or feel, you are forever stamped and branded with the title of being a creative.

LeAnna Azzolini:

You are an artist, a creator, a creative, no matter which word you like best. We're all family To follow your heart and your curiosity throughout the span of your life is a glorious pursuit. Just in this act alone, you are doing something that most people deny themselves for their entire adult existence. When you do this, you're giving yourself, as well as those who are watching, the gift of seeing a person chase a dream. There's no gift more beautiful than that for your children, your spouse or maybe even that confused young girl who lives around the corner and is trying to find her way.

LeAnna Azzolini:

Creatives are the bursting sunflowers shining bright in the fields that were once empty. We give hope and show others that brave things can be done. We steal the focus from the shadows and bring forth shiny objects that reflect glitter and stardust. We create and we reinvent, and remind others that they too have a voice and that it's more than okay to use that voice. We, as creators, are here to build, move, shake open and expand. We are the rebels, the innovators, the ones who come along and wiggle that snow globe until we've created a blizzard. The ruts and the dry spells are all part of the inevitable cycle, but when we are in flow, we are invincible. Get through those trenches and thrive on the upswings, Know when it's your time and make the most of every second you have. Allow the next step to unfold at a snail's pace or as fast as lightning. The moments of joy, energy, inspiration and flow will strike when you least expect it. Pay attention and follow where it leads. You are an artist and you belong. There is a creative space in this world for everyone.

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