Curating the Curious
Welcome to Curating the Curious, the podcast that celebrates staying curious in life and never settling into a box.
This show is for the creators, the seekers, the explorers, the truth tellers….and the forever students of life.
No matter what age or stage you’re currently at, this is not as good as it gets and it is never too late to begin.
Join me as we explore all of the questions that come with the idea of curiosity. A place where the possibilities are endless and you can always start again.
We expand our lives through curiosity. One of my greatest passions is finding ways to encourage and inspire others to keep pushing, sharing, living, and making things for the world to see.
Curating the Curious
#67- 2025 No Cherished Outcomes
First things first...after multiple requests, Layne has returned, and she has some very wise words to share.
What if letting go of expectations could transform the way we navigate life's uncertainties? This episode of Curating the Curious explores this concept as we reflect on 2024, a year that challenged us in very unexpected ways. Embracing the idea of "no cherished outcomes," inspired by a Celtic poem (and Liz Gilbert, of course), we discuss how releasing our grip on expectations can lead us to something more.
As we close a challenging chapter and step into a new year (that's already looking pretty daunting honestly), we examine new perspectives gained from facing life's hurdles. Stay curious, be brave, and join us as we navigate the journey ahead with an open heart and mind, ready to meet whatever comes our way.
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Welcome to Curating the Curious, the podcast that celebrates staying curious in life and never settling into a box. This show is for the creators, the seekers, the explorers, the truth tellers and the forever students of life, no matter what age or stage you're currently at. This is not as good as it gets, and it is never too late to begin. Join me as we explore all of the questions that come with the idea of curiosity a place where the possibilities are endless and you can always start again. If I had to ask you what is one word that sums up this past year, 2024, what would it be? Your honest, honest answer.
Layne:Probably weird.
LeAnna:Okay, can you expand? Okay, can you expand On a scale of one to 10,? How good was 2024 as a total year?
Layne:Maybe a five.
LeAnna:A five, that's generous. I would give it a two, I don't know Okay. What was the best part of 2024?
Layne:probably going to Oahu with you guys and Canada. I loved going skiing. That was really fun. Yeah, yeah.
LeAnna:That's probably my favorite two parts yeah, those are some highlights, all right, okay, and then, how old are you now? I'm 11. Wow, I think the first episode that you spoke on, I think you were six. Yeah, I was like six years old.
Layne:Were you six or seven?
LeAnna:Yeah, I think I was six and I'm 11. And how old am I now?
Layne:You are 49. 49. Right.
LeAnna:Okay, 49 as of about a month ago, it's been an interesting year. It, out, of all the years of your life, which one has been the hardest? This one. This one Same.
Layne:A lot has gone on, really Same Same.
LeAnna:Same for a lot of people 49 years, hun Out of 49 years. This is my hardest year and I've had some tough years here and there.
Layne:But this one, this one took the cake Friend issues with me lately. That's probably about the worst part of this year had some friends that done bad stuff and it was tough, for sure. Same and election. Yeah, a lot of stuff is just pretty tough this year, you know.
LeAnna:Yeah, and ordinarily I would say why would the election affect you? But it does, because it affects everyone, right? Yeah, you're a fifth grader, you shouldn't be affected by that, but there's just so much stuff in the world I know. So how does that make you feel about going into a new year? Do you feel like you're going to have a fresh start? Do you feel like excited to start again? Do you feel like it might be better, or what are you feeling about?
Layne:I feel like very excited because I just feel like it'll start just like a fresh new year. You know, I just have a good feeling about this 2025. I just feel like everything.
LeAnna:You do will just eventually start coming back together Well the one thing I can say about this year is that it has by far been the hardest year of our lives as a family, as individuals.
Layne:That's why you stopped writing for a while, right, Well?
LeAnna:yeah, yeah, I had to get some stuff together that was more important than this. But I will say, the one really, really positive part about all of that is that I think that you and daddy and I came that much closer and we learned that much more. And I feel like I feel like, even though even the ending to this year was bad losing uncle Brian and all of that horrible, um, it's terrible I feel like, even though the ending of this year has even been pretty bad, that we are going I don't know, we're kind of erasing the slate and we're starting anew and we're closer and we're a lot more informed about a lot of things going into next year.
LeAnna:For sure yeah, and that is why I chose the words no cherished outcomes for this coming year.
LeAnna:And I explained to you what that meant, and that's what I want to talk about.
Layne:Definitely, I mean that's a what I want to talk about. Definitely, I mean that's a really good thing to talk about.
LeAnna:So no cherished outcomes are my three words for this coming year. What do you think about no cherished outcomes?
Layne:I think that it seems like a good idea to just take your time and not be setting goals. And you know, like, because some people that's just like in the house, like I'm getting this goal done right now, like let's go, come on, like I've experienced many people who are like that Yep, and they did not turn out very well and they lose sight of.
Layne:Life, life, that's all they care about. So that's a really amazing thing I feel like you should talk about, because it just teaches you to like take your time and like let go Loosen your grip, yeah, on life, mm-hmm, loosen your grip on expectations.
LeAnna:Where I got the words no cherished outcomes there, there's a poem and it's called the Celtic poem of approach and it goes like this I honor your gods, I drink at your well. I bring an undefended heart to our meeting place. I have no cherished outcomes. I will not negotiate by withholding. I am not subject to disappointment, and I got this from a podcast episode with Tim Ferriss and Liz Gilbert, and when they were talking about this, they were using it in the context of like when you're meeting a new person or you're opening up to a new relationship.
LeAnna:But as soon as I heard it, I decided these are my words for 2025. Oh yeah, and it's not to say that I'm not going to make plans or I'm not going to have goals. It just means that I will do my best. Take your time, yes, without being tied to any particular outcome. Yes, the happy ending scenario is just being completely cut out of the picture from the beginning of the year, and the focus is going to be to embrace the uncertainty of what is coming and do my best to meet it with an open, malleable, curious mind, because I believe, just like fear, light is contagious and I am going to build myself and you and daddy, my family a force field of light for 2025. That's so nice and the focus will be on the ride instead of the results. There will be grace, there will be joy, happiness, happiness Mostly joy is what I'm aiming for and I'm positive there will be more pain, hopefully not as much as this year, please. More pain, hopefully not as much as this year, please, every year though, please God.
LeAnna:Please God, but through it all, we will have no cherished outcomes. So am I coming back to this podcast in 2025? Yes, yes I am, but after sifting through my projects, my priorities, my obligations and just life, this is like that one thing that I can't seem to shake Like, I can't get it out of my head. It just keeps coming back to me. So I'm coming back, but again, no cherished outcomes. So I'm not making any promises, no huge announcements, nothing like that. But we're coming back.
Layne:Oh yeah, right, we're going to be doing this more often.
LeAnna:Yeah, and before we say goodbye to this hell of a year and welcome in the next one, lane has some words she's going to read to you.
Layne:I don't care if you love your best life. I hope you live your freest life, your most unburdened life, your lightest life. I hope your life is a patchwork of lessons and trials and joys and mistakes, and growth and evolution and expansion. I hope you understand that rejection, failure, disappointment means you care, you're trying, you're out there in life, alive to it. I hope your life feels beautiful to you more than it looks beautiful to everyone else. I hope you're free and that you keep freeing yourself from who you thought you should be, from whose society told you to be, from heavy expectations and weighty ambition.
Layne:I hope you know when you're in a moment you'll remember forever. I hope you know how good you have it when it's good, and I hope your life is. Life is in an ongoing evolution, a constant becoming. I hope you shrug off old selves with ease. I hope you leave empty space in your life for the unknown, the magic, the surprises, the unexpected. I hope you don't just aim for the best and instead aim for full whole, ever evolving, unconfined and unrestrained. Mostly, I hope you take the path that is meant for you, not the one that is expected of you. Thank you for listening to me.
LeAnna:Wow, that was so good and that was by Jamie Varon, unfortunately not by me. You thought it was at first right and you were so impressed. Oh yeah, what does that mean to you?
Layne:It's just I feel like that's just an amazing message. It's just powerful, telling us all to go with the flow and your pace of what you really want, not anyone else.
LeAnna:But she says I don't care if you live your best life, I hope you live your freest life. Be free, take the path that you feel inside of you instead of the one that you think is expected of you. Be you.
Layne:Not someone else that you don't Right.
LeAnna:Okay, that was beautiful. Thank you. I'm glad that you joined me on this, because I really don't like talking to myself. And you're a big girl now. You're 11. So you can help me All right. So we're starting big girl, now You're 11. So you can help me All right. So we're starting a new year. We're saying goodbye to this. Gross year, gross year and do we have? Anything else to say? I don't think so. No, okay, I guess the only thing we have to say is Stay curious.