Curating the Curious
Welcome to Curating the Curious, the podcast that celebrates staying curious in life and never settling into a box.
This show is for the creators, the seekers, the explorers, the truth tellers….and the forever students of life.
No matter what age or stage you’re currently at, this is not as good as it gets and it is never too late to begin.
Join me as we explore all of the questions that come with the idea of curiosity. A place where the possibilities are endless and you can always start again.
We expand our lives through curiosity. One of my greatest passions is finding ways to encourage and inspire others to keep pushing, sharing, living, and making things for the world to see.
Curating the Curious
#58- What If...? Changing Your Story
What would happen if we truly all believed that people out there really do want us to succeed? What if we believed that people want to learn from us and work with us and hear what we have to say with a true sense of childlike curiosity (and a completely open heart)? Would we share more? Would we censor ourselves less?
One of my favorite things about living curiously is having the belief that we can all write a new story whenever we decide to. It's not too late and you're never too old to start again and begin anew.
We also hear from Layne with an update on last week's performance! She tells us her future plans with her band and new projects they're working on.
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