Curating the Curious
Welcome to Curating the Curious, the podcast that celebrates staying curious in life and never settling into a box.
This show is for the creators, the seekers, the explorers, the truth tellers….and the forever students of life.
No matter what age or stage you’re currently at, this is not as good as it gets and it is never too late to begin.
Join me as we explore all of the questions that come with the idea of curiosity. A place where the possibilities are endless and you can always start again.
We expand our lives through curiosity. One of my greatest passions is finding ways to encourage and inspire other creatives to keep pushing, sharing, living joyfully, and making things for the world to see. Hosted by a jack-of-all-trades: former inner-city elementary teacher, television actress, LA realtor, wine slinger, waitress, salesperson, family photographer, and forever student of life…me! LeAnna Azzolini. Join me as I introduce you to some of the most curious (and creative) people I've met along the way. Each person that I've chosen to sit down and talk to has affected me on a deeper level. Not only do they create amazing art, but they're out in the world, making waves, living vibrant lives, and expressing their unique gifts. Get ready to be moved and inspired. It's time to take off on this journey and get curious together. Let's go!
Curating the Curious
No Mud, No Lotus
I'm baaaaaaaack!! It's been a while and boy, have I missed you all. I've been busy learning how to "sort my mail" and get this life of mine back on track. Today we will catch up with things that have happened since I dropped that bomb of a last episode back in March.
Things burning through my mind right now...friendship, being and introvert, paradigm shifts, the beauty of living in the gray area, and basically just finding a way to exist (and flourish) in this deeply divided world we are living in.
I'm taking you on a quick review of the tectonic shift that has been my life so far in 2022 and hopefully answering some questions that so many of you have had for me.
Spoiler alert: I'm all good now...finally! No Mud, No Lotus!
Follow LeAnna and Curating the Curious:
Instagram: @curating.the.curious